Student Resources

Saku Bujinkan Dojo Rules:

  • Bring proper attitude

  • Impeccable hygiene

  • Full gi and belt

  • Be early to class

  • Help set up/break down

  • Payment by 1st of the month

  • No complaining even if you die

  • Remember, it’s a gift!

  • No talking while Sensei is talking

  • Represent Saku Bujinkan outside class with integrity

  • Ask questions yet consider Sensei’s word as final

Bow In:

Shiken harimitsu daikoumyo

“At any moment, the potential for enlightenment is possible; to seek a bright future of enlightenment by loving, being true and natural and persevering with dedication.”

When we bow in and out of class, we hold the thought of ‘From every experience, I shall gain my greatest good.’ In other words, regardless of whether or not the experience was “good” or “bad,” I will still learn something from it.


“Please assist me.” A form of respect and honor toward your teacher and senior.

Bow Out:

Domo arigato gozaimashita

“Thank you very much”

Basic Kamaes

Shizen | Seiza | Fudoza | Rei | Hachi | Hira | Hoko | Jumonji 

Ichimonji | Ichimonji Ihen | Hicho | Doko | Bobi | Shoshin

Kosei | Segan | Hanza | Kongo Gassho

Basic Fists & Strikes (Dakentaijutsu)

Fudo-Ken | Kaiten-Ken | San-Shitan-Ken | Shito-Ken | Boshi-Ken

Koppo-Ken | Shako-Ken | Shishin-Ken | Shikan-Ken 

Happa-Ken | Ura & Omote Shuto

Sokugyaku-Ken | Sokuyaku-Ken 

Shuki-Ken | Sokki-Ken 

Sanshin no Kata

The Sanshin no Kata is made up of five exercises, named after the elements.

  1. Chi no Kata (earth)

  2. Sui no Kata (water)

  3. Ka no Kata (fire)

  4. Fu no Kata (wind)

  5. Ku no Kata (void)

The Kihon Happo (基本八法), together with the Sanshin No Kata, are the foundation for Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. Taken from Gyokko-ryu, they are pretty much the alphabet of our taijutsu.

The Kihon Happo

The name literally means “basic eight ways”, and the techniques come from Gyokko Ryu (玉虎流), the oldest ryu-ha in the Bujinkan. The techniques are:

A) Koshi Kihon Sanpo (striking)

1) Ichimonji no Kamae 一文字の構,

2) Jumonji no Kamae十文字の構

3) Hicho no Kamae 飛鳥の構

B) Torite Kihon Goho (grappling)

4) Omote Gyaku 表逆

5) Omote Gyaku Tsuki

6) Ura Gyaku 裏逆

7) Musha Dori 武者捕

8) Ganseki Nage 巌石投


Oni kudaki 鬼砕 (demon crusher)

Ura oni kudaki

**Some instructors leave out Oni Kudaki and have Omote Gyaku Tsuki instead, which is basically an Omote Gyaku done against a grab-and-punch attack**

Counting 1-10

  1. Ichi (2) Ni - (3) San - (4) Yon - (5) Go

(6) Roku - (7) Nana - (8) Hachi

(9) Kyuu- (10) Juu

Ukemi (to receive)

Forward roll, side roll, back roll, yoko nagare, kart wheel, handsprings

Zenpo ukemi - Breakfalls

Koho Kaiten - Backroll

Kuten - Handspring

  • Yame - stop

    Hai - yes or understood

    Uke & Tore - attacker and recipient 

    Taijutsu - unarmed body movement

    Waza - technique

    Kata - forms; choreography

    Kamae - postures/poses

    Kami hitoi - as close/thin as a sheet of paper

    Ihen - forward lean

    Uke nagashi - receiving in the flow

    Totoku - shield

    Henka - variation

    Jupo sesho - being in the future

    Kuzushi - off balancing

    Metsubishi - deceptive distraction

    Muto dori - make them think they’re winning until they’re not

    Tai sabaki - body movement/evasion

    Ashi sabaki - leg/foot movement/evasion

    Zanshin - awareness

    Kukan - the space between us

  • Dakentaijutsu - striking techniques

    Jodan - upper receive/block

    Chudan - mid receive/block

    Gedan - lower receive/block

    Tsuki - thrust/punch

    Keri - kick

    Nage - throws

    Kihon Happo - eight basic ways

    Koshi Kihon Sanpo - The Three Basic Ways of Striking

    Torite Goho Gata - The Five Forms of Grappling

    San Shin No Kata - The Three Hearts Forms

    Hajutso Kuho - The Eight Techniques & Nine Ways

    Tehodoki - Wrist Escapes

    Taihodoki - Body Escapes

    Gyaku Waza - Reversal Techniques

    Nage Waza - Throwing Techniques

    Jime Waze - Choking Techniques

  • Yari - spear

    Bo - long staff

    Hanbo - short staff

    Bokken - wooden practice sword

    Shinai - bamboo practice sword

    Katana - metal sword

    Tanto - dagger

    Kusari Fundo - weighted chain weapon

    Shuriken - throwing star

    Yumi - bow